Friday, May 27, 2011

Hannah: "Mister Jacob" and playdate

We are off tonight to Denmark for 2 months, exciting!!!

Hannah & I went to visit Sofie & Naomi for a playdate, great fun and they had a wonderful pool for kids!


In the taxi home, Hannah is singing for daddy :-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hannah discussing difference in Danish & Singaporean climate...

Hannah explained for me that she has to dring LOTS of water in Singapore and cannot wear pants here as it is to warm but in Denmark, it is cold cold cold and she has to wear pants, and preferably pink sweatpants :-)

Yesterday, Hannah and I was looking at old pictures and one came up with me being pregnant with Matilde. Hannah looked at me with big eyes asking: "Mummy, did you EAT Matilde?!?"   :-)

Last night, we went to Clarke Quay for tapas dinner with Joachim from Dubai and Lars from Shanghai.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Swedish Church play group

Our second time at the Swedish Church's playgroup was also the last for this semester. We will definitely be back after the summer, as it is great organized and both Hannah & Matilde enjoy it - and so do I.

There were a lot of mummies and kids today. It was both 'fika', lunch and pool & circle time in between.




Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hannah & mummy day :-)

Today, Hannah and I took the bus to Vivocity, a HUGE shopping mall next to Sentosa Island and PSA (the port, which I feel rather comfortable around :-)

Hannah was really excited about the bus and got to speak some Mandarin, as we were sitting next to 4 people from Guangzhou. She said 'ni hao' and 'gong xi gong xi', where the latter basically means she wants chocolate money :-)

Hannah got her 2nd hair cut where the hair dresser was a little bit to happy cutting, as all her cute curls are basically gone... Toys 'R Us has a hair salong inside where the kids can watch movies, so that was perfect!

Afterwards, we found a play area where to drive electrical cars and motorbikes, wow was that something!!



Hm... not easy to find the break...!!

Hannah finally gets it!!

Hannah sang "The wheels on the bus..." during the entire bus ride home :-)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Swedish mummy group & visit from Shanghai

Great way to start of the week - Swedish mummy group with Matilde! Hannah and Nady went to a play room and apparently, Hannah got to ride 5 times on a carousel outside the Mall so she was over the moon of happiness :)

On of the mummies, Regina, took some great pictures: Swedish babies playing in Singapore lah :-)

I also took some, not as good but serves its purpose!


In the evening, we were honored by a visit of our friend, and now summer house neighbor!!, Lars Blanco-Hansen!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend again!

Last weekend before off to Denmark and our summer house!

Saturday night, Morten & I tried sea food at "Jumbo" on the East Coast. It was really good and we enjoyed sitting just a few meters from the ocean - not the least due to the breeze! Gotta say though the weather is better than expected, as I expected it to be steaming hot every day, and that is definitely not the case.

Morten has started to play football for Singapore Vikings and Sat, me and the girls went to watch a game. No other kids joined this Sat but some girl friends were there, so I got some help with the girls :)


Wonderful Snoopy car at the closest Mall :-)

Sunday afternoon was spent with Kasper, Tine, Jonathan & Daniel by their pool. We BBQd and had a relaxing time...or as relaxing it gets with 4 young kids...! :-)

Happy Baby :-)




Night time story.... has done wonders with the teeth brusing procedure, Hannah now wants to brush at least 5 times a day :-)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Danish Seamen Church Playgroup

Since we went to the Swedish Church Wed morning, we had to visit the Danish Church's playgroup Thursday :-) Lots of songs, play and 'fika' of course!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

National Holiday, Swedish Church, and bread making!

National Holiday in Singapore and Morten gets to spend a Tuesday! with the family, jabadabadooo :-)
Mummy gets to sleep in to 9am and feels like a new person again!!

Our friends Mogens & Eunice have moved into a new place and we went to check it out (really nice) and have a playdate with their daughters.

Hannah & Isabel are watching a movie,
with dummy and thump in their mouths :)
Hannah loved the girls rooms with lots
of girly stuff to play with!

Dinner at a nearby place, on the West Coast.
Thank Godness for iPhones / iPads / Nintendos / you name it -
the kids behaved like small angels :-)

 Wednesday, we tried out the Swedish Church playgroup (Kyrkans Barntimmar)
and it was really nice! We sang, had 'fika' and played at the outdoor playground.

"Bjornen Sover..."

I mentioned before, we dont have a regular oven and I really like to bake so have now
tried to make bread in the frying pan. Result: well, the first breadcake is in the top lefthand
corner, so at least I'm improving the result :-)  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend activities

Saturday morning, we went to the Botanical Garden. The initial plan was to meet with the Meyer Family (aka Anna-Maria, Soren, Eva & Sofia) and check out the children's section. Well, the taxi driver took us the the Park, and getting off, we realize we are on the opposite side from where to be... The map promised a 30 min walk. Well, assume that didn't consider +35 degrees and two toddlers who wanted to walk by themselves... Almost 1.5 hr later, we end up in the children's section - jabadabadoooo :-) 
After being in the 'fountain section' for about 20 min, it started to rain, so off we went to have lunch at the Meyer residence!

Will definitely come back though as the park was very beautiful and relaxing!




Hannah chatting with best friend Olivia in Hong Kong :-)
Hannah has a 'fetish' for bandages and is
 here showing off her new bandage with a crocodile on :-)

Hannah taking her midday nap on the living room floor...

Matilde & Hannah are 'washing' Lisa the doll's clothes... see the result in the video below... :-)


Pool time!!

It is not easy to learn how to walk.... or as you sing in Swedish: "en slank han dit o en slank han hit..."!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Playdates, job discussions, and a night out!

Life in Singapore feels rather similar to having my maternity leave with Matilde - lots of playdates, coffee lattee and obviously - kids :-) I have also managed to have job discussions with a few companies, as realizing I cannot stay home full-time, as probably will drive myself insane... or maybe after the summer holiday, I love it so much and simply become a full-on expat wife!! (guess that Porsche dream of Morten will remain a dream then.... ;-)

When first moving in here in Singapore, we hadn't seen the apartment, but trusted our agent as she is also a friend of ours. Unfortunately, we forgot mentioning we would like to have a regular owen; not a gas oven as in Bel-Air, not a conventional oven like in the Happy Valley flat, simply a regular oven - well, we are now stuck with the latter.... Did try to make cup cakes though and they turned out ok, at least from the look of such. Tastewise...not so good....! (but since the cabinets are emptied out on candy, the crunchy and rather tastless cup cakes become a saviour for a sugar desperate


Hannah has been to a playdate with 4 kids from her future class. It was fun to meet the kids and the moms, and the kids had a good time. The high was when the organizing mom brought out snacks... maybe not from the mummies viewpoint re the outlook of getting the kids to eat dinner in less than an hour went down the drain...


Hannah, Conrad & Olivia

Matilde & I went to the Danish Church playgroup and Matilde loved it, as always when other kids are around! It was +10 kids with mummies/nannies and we sang Danish songs and had snack time. I have signed up for bringing snacks in a few weeks, but after realizing the owen is not what I thought it would be, is not having too high of hopes for the snack outcome...

We have been recommended to visit Demsey Hill from several friends so here we go - it was a cozy area with art galleries and furniture shops mixed with restaurangs and a big playground. We went for dinnerat 'Prime Society' with Morten's collegue Soren and family, a friend of Anna-Maria, and a DK collegue, Martin. The food was delicious but I had to ask them to re-heat my beef half-way trough the dinner, as been running with the kids... oh well :-)

Hannah, Sofia & Eva

"Sleeping Bunny...! :-)

The Danish Consulate of Singapore invited us for a viewing of 'Haevnen' or 'A Better World' in English. I already saw it with the Hong Kong Danish Consulate but it was so good I didn't mind watching it again!