Sunday, September 30, 2012

Paris weekend

Girls weekend = no kids, no husbands, no musts, only sightseeing, shopping, chatting... Perfect weekend - Thank You ladies :-)

Food focus :-)
Sightseeing in PERFECT weather!!

Friday, September 28, 2012


5 days in Spain and 3 cities (Barcelona, Madrid and À Corona) - WOW was that an intense trip!! Had a great time, not so much of sleep, super client meetings, and nice time with colleagues!

Now off to Paris and weekend With The girls :-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

School photos

Time for yearly school photos. Even if I take plenty of pics to document my babies, I still think school photos are special :-)

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Non-washable pen on chair... What's an appropriate consequence for a 4-Year old?!?

A little difficult to blame little sister considering what's on the chair....

Danish uncles visiting

Morten's friends Per and Johnny are visiting for the F1 weekend and the girls are all over them :-)

Hannah and Johnny had swimming competition in The pool and H did not enjoy J winning... ;-) Matilde found out The function of goggles and was super-excited seeing her toes through them :-)

Evening was spent enjoying the Formula 1...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hong Kong

2.5 days biz trip to Hong Kong and first night dinner with some colleagues - Chinese dinner with Peking Duck - loving it!!

Evening no. 2 - dinner with the girls!! As always, Zuma is the restaurang of choice and Asa sets the menu; why change a winning concept :-) 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Somewhat funny to find boxes with both Hannah and her friend Olivia on, next to eachother at a Toys R Us in DK... Pictures were taken about 2 years apart :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Birthday Party

First B-day party in Hannah's new class and first out is Victoria who's turning 4. Most of the kids attended, and even one from Hannah's old class, Hao Cheng!

Was nice to meet the parents of the other kids, as I really only know the Hannah's classmates from pictures the school published to the parents. We don't have to drop off the kids at a specific time, as the school is open between 7-19, but most kids are dropped off before 9am. Thereof we don't bump into all the parents/helpers on a daily basis...

Anyway, the party was fun and especially due to a performing clown - all the parents and kids were seriously cracking up by the clown, super good!!

Scavenger Hunt at Norwegian Church

All the 4 year olds were invited to church today, as it is a Norwegian tradition to receive 'Kirkeboka' when you turn 4 in Norway. Since the Norwegian/Swedish Church are combined in Singapore, the Swedes were also invited :-)

The kids had 3 hours of fun, with scavenger hunt, songs, stories, and preparation of the church service.

They did really well performing the songs they learned, and received their books. Hannah was sooooo proud once done, and I had to do my best in translating Norwegian to Swedish reading the book.... The first chapter was about a grandma who had died, and I explained she now was in heaven as an angel... next chapter was about Christmas Eve, and how the kids played how Jesus was born and an angel came to tell the people about it - and Hannah's first reaction: So the grandma the angel came back again?!? :-)

While Hannah was hanging with the 4-year olds in church, Morten Matilde and I went for ice cream at Vivo City, to Matilde's excitement. When leaving Hannah, she cried on top of her lungs for 10 min but guess the ice cream helped... :-)  Once back at church, she did not want to leave Hannah, hence sat with rest of the kids during the service.... oh well... :-)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Business trip to Korea - I took the red-eye flight as didn't want to leave the kids at home for an extra day.... not a smart move, I was exhausted for 2 days and now down with fever.... at least I learned a lesson... (but I'm unfortunately quite sure I'll do a red-eye again, and for the same reason...)

Morten was in Dubai this week, and the kids thinks he's been in a HUGE sandpit... maybe we'll have to explain a little more in details what a dessert actually is :-)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Two day business trip to HCMC, Vietnam. A very productive trip, 
with sightseeing between meetings :-) 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rawa Weekend

Weekend getaway with the Dahlstroms - what a great weekend!!! Considering having 4 daughters between 2 and 4, the result could have been disasterous but it wasn't - the girls played wonderful together (95% of the time) and the mummies got some alone time reading, we managed to have one evening with 4 sleeping kids and we could enjoy way to much wine and playing board games, lots of water play, spending hours on the trampoline - but as always, it's also very nice to come back home :-)

THE game!! Dahlstroms vs. Kalles 1-1, to be continued... :-)

The thrill of the trip was jumping of the bridge - and we never thought any of the kids would do it (I wouldn't!!!) but Hannah wanted and of course we let her.... Was not to excited landing on her face but very very proud after a while :-)

I did film but cannot manage to upload in an iMac...I'm not frustrated at all but hopefully, a nice soul can explain for me how to convert the movie into an acceptable format, as well as decrease the size of a movie...

Mummy and the daughters are fishing :-)

Paddling was a hit!!

Until next time....

Monday, September 3, 2012

First swim class - Hannah

After a few swim school attempts last fall, where the result was beyond failure (the child simply refused getting into the water...Hannah is not stubborn at all....!!), Hannah started a new swim school today. It was after she has asked Morten and me for the past few months, including asking the condo swim coach 3 times - so I guess she's ready :-)

I was content she actually did go in the water - and she definitely exceeded all my expectations listening and actually following instructions.....! Now, if that would be mummy asking Hannah to do all things?!? Well, the result would definitely be different :-)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday school with BBQ

Sundays at 5pm, the girls go to Sunday school, which Morten plays football - afterwards, we meet up for BBQ with loads of Swedish and Norwegian families. Perfect ending of the weekend, specially when we don't have anyone at home to assist with dinner :-)