Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rawa Weekend

Weekend getaway with the Dahlstroms - what a great weekend!!! Considering having 4 daughters between 2 and 4, the result could have been disasterous but it wasn't - the girls played wonderful together (95% of the time) and the mummies got some alone time reading, we managed to have one evening with 4 sleeping kids and we could enjoy way to much wine and playing board games, lots of water play, spending hours on the trampoline - but as always, it's also very nice to come back home :-)

THE game!! Dahlstroms vs. Kalles 1-1, to be continued... :-)

The thrill of the trip was jumping of the bridge - and we never thought any of the kids would do it (I wouldn't!!!) but Hannah wanted and of course we let her.... Was not to excited landing on her face but very very proud after a while :-)

I did film but cannot manage to upload in an iMac...I'm not frustrated at all but hopefully, a nice soul can explain for me how to convert the movie into an acceptable format, as well as decrease the size of a movie...

Mummy and the daughters are fishing :-)

Paddling was a hit!!

Until next time....

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