Saturday, March 29, 2014

Yacht club weekend fun :-)

Lots of visits, loving it, and both Cindy from Älmhult and Isabella, Karina & Anders from Hong Kong.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Frozen fever - when will it stop?!?

There's only one movie that's on The it-list among The 3-7 yr olds For The moment being (at least in Singapore) and that's Frozen.

Hannah was To write about her favourite thing in school today and The picture below is The result - some imagination needs to. E present as spelling is clearly done by a 5-year old :-)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Frozen Bday party :-)

Matilde's classmate Isla is turning 4 and got a party of a 4-year old's dreams!!

Theme's obvious - Frozen :-)

Snow in Singapore?? Of course!!

Lovely party, amazing goodies, kids have an awesome time - thanks Hailey :-)

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Playdate watching Frozen - can't get better: kiddos glued to the TV, bribed with ice cream and princess outfits and da mummies?!? Drinking rose while gossiping :-) 

And yes, it was definitely worth taking a day off for this!!