Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekend activities

Hannah's God parents Anders & Karina came over for dinner Friday night, and Hannah was of course over the moon of excitement :) Sara was happy to get some assistance with a super-active Hannah, so Karina took Hannah on a chic walk in the park....



Saturday, we had a farewell playdate for some of Hannah's closest friends. Had great fun, the kids played and the adults chatted away over coffee and cinnamon bun - and ran after kids of course... it is really sad that Hannah & Matilde won't get to continue playing with their friends they have grown up with, but I'm sure we get to see them again, maybe half-way between HK and Singapore... :-)

Alex, Olivia, Hannah & Riley with Rob


Alexandra, Jo & Riley


Mia & Malou

Jenny & Olivia
Hannah & Josephine har kramkalas :)

Jenny also gets a hug!

After the hectic morning, we went to the pool in the afternoon, skyped with grandparents and enjoyed a beautiful sunset from the balcony......




  1. Love yr blog! Kul initiativ! Jesper är i Singapore den 5-7 maj. Kram Andersens

  2. underbar bild på mathilde i sängen!! när är det ni flyttar?? KRAM

  3. Cindy: vad kul, da far han maila oss och komma pa besok!

    Lina: Tack :) 29 april

    KRAMAR till er bagge :)
